Entrepreneur Visa
Do you wish being part of the leading Business Community?
If you would like to set up a business in the UK you will need to apply for a Tier 1 Entrepreneur Visa.
With a Tier 1 Entrepreneur Visa you may start your own business, join an existing business or take over an established UK enterprise.
Criteria for a sponsorship licence application
To apply for a Tier 1 Entrepreneur Visa you will not need to have a sponsor. It is solely based on successfully achieving points.
You will need to prove you have sufficient English language skills in one of the following ways:
You are from a country where English is the main language
You have successfully completed a Master’s degree course which was taught in English
Or you have passed an English language test that is equal to level C1 of the council of Europe’s Common European Framework for Language learning
The key requirement for the Tier 1 Entrepreneur visa is the amount of money you will be investing in the UK and the guarantee that you will be taking control of a business.
You will need to gain 75 points to pass the criteria for a Tier 1 Entrepreneur Visa.
Points awarded for a Tier 1 Entrepreneur Visa are as under:
Access to 200,000 British pounds = 25 points
The sum is held in a regulated bank account = 25 points
The funds are disposable in the UK = 25 points
Under the Tier 1 Entrepreneur Visa category you will not be able to undertake any form of employment within the UK.
It is an essential requirement of the Tier 1 Entrepreneur Visa that the applicant employs at least two people either part-time or full-time with settled status in the UK.
What we can do?
Goodwill Immigration Consultants can:
Let you know the strength of your case
Inform you of the legal requirements in line with instructions given to immigration Case Workers at Home office
Detailed advice about the supporting evidence
Submit Legal Representation with your case in light of immigration rules compatible to your visa application
Complete the visa application form on your behalf
Liaise with the appropriate authorities until a decision on your application is received
Options available
A Tier 1 Entrepreneur Visa is initially granted for two years. During this period you should make the full investment and create at least two jobs for EEA (European Economic Area) nationals
After the initial two year period, depending on the performance of your business, you may extend your leave to remain in the UK by a further three years, requiring you meet the Tier 1 Entrepreneur Visa extension requirements
After this time you may apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) for more permanent residency in the UK